Monday, December 5, 2011

Teaching Your Dog to Stay

The use of a word, to keep saying your dog is repetitive, if you decide for your dog to learn "sit" the word "low" and "state" means to remain in position until I am or released asking for something else do.

But the feeling free, the word "continue", use them if you are happy.
A sit-stay is useful if something happens and you need short-term control. A bass stay meaningful long-term control. A state of life is useful if your dog is still able to investigate or care.
The methods of collection and lure / reward, a reward waiting for the seat, stockings, or is, the longer growing. Pure simplicity! Example, ask your dog to sit down and highlight and reward him when
it does. Next time, wait until your dog to sit still for one second in scoring and worthwhile. If your dog ahead, ask him to sit down and try again. It would not take long to understand not to (do not cry "Stay!") Remain in position, the more the reward.
If your dog to stay for one second reliable, wait two seconds before marking and rewarding place. Than three seconds, five, eight, ten, fifteen, twenty, and so on. Vary the length of time that you ask
Your dog may remain at a level well below your target audience.
For example, if it is reliable to stay with 1 / 32 down, make more and will reward him for three to ten seconds. With this approach, you'll be surprised how quickly your dog learns to stay long enough.
How to make a difficult task, you must follow a more generous reward. So if your dog is staying for 15 seconds for the first time, he was a reward of three small jackpot busy earning
In contrast to this point.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Territorial aggression

The characteristic of territorial aggression in dogs protection estimated since domestication and selective breeding. This property varies considerably in dogs, dogs that show absolutely no protective nature, others, like the attack to defend their territory and try to defend its territorial expansion.The development of protective land in dogs is linked to sexual maturity. A dog is the most easily agree, but not overly protective behaviors performed when the instinct of protection is first addressed at this time appears.

Owner of livestock guarding dogs have a responsibility to teach their dogs to the limit of their care. Be careful not to set limits Protect your dog, lest he cease all protection. You want to teach him what you keep threatening and what you do. You will also want to teach him that when you are at home, the decision on who is allowed in your home that does not work.

The problems are barking warnings of problems of territorial protection. By controlling excessive barking of a dog, the owner takes the first step to solve a problem of territorial protection.

It is important to note that when you see a dog in the protector of less than six months, think it's likely that what you really see the aggression is fear. One way to distinguish between fear of aggression protective aggression is the dog reacts to evaluate in different contexts. The guard dog is friendly towards strangers in his territory, even if it is accompanied by its owner. The frightened dog behaves aggressively towardstrangers everywhere.

Another mistake people make is protective in terms of the myth of television and literature, which naturally protect their own dogs immortalized. Dogs instinctively protect their territory, usually prefer to chase intruders rather than stay in a confrontation. They protect themselves and their food and toys, but rarely for the protection of persons, except when a child is to replace a puppy and is protected by a dog. The dogs are trained to man (and note that training is required for a dog with a good temperament to attack people), defending the dog to attack on himself, or by the use of its instinct to kill prey attack.

Dogs protect their owners as a source of affection and food, as much as they would to protect bone. Some owners believe that's protective. Dogs that kind of direct aggression in humans and other dogs. Usually the dog is stroked to sit on the lap of the owner, if someone non-threatening approach. The dog growls when the person to keep them away. The owner must immediately flush the dog in her lap, rather than flattered by this behavior. This behavior can also look like jealousy, especially when a dog growls at another dog to keep him away from the Owner.

The watchdog perfect is someone who is confident around people and is not afraid of them. In fact, he is very friendly with people. He barks when someone is unfaithful to your property, but ignored by children riding on bicycles. He keeps barking on command, but continued to keep a watchful eye. If you tell someone at the door is correct, he voluntarily friendl openings to him or her. He would not allow anyone into your home if you are not just for a few friends or family members, he knows good home. They feel safer when you're home alone you will be notified if someone is coming, and yet you are never afraid of your dog biting someone when you have company. Because he is not afraid of man, if he does not defend its territory, it will not hesitate. This type of dog is the product of good race, good breeding and good training.

Monday, November 28, 2011


bark, woof, arf: CHOOSING PUPPY AND SIMPLE TIPS TO TRAIN: Choose may not be easy for some people, it takes time and maturity needed to think. Do not let its intention to maintain the animal, but it ...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Deciding If Agility Is Right for You and Your Dog

You may be wondering if agility is something you’d like to commit
to doing with your dog. Drop by a fun match or even an agility trial
and watch what goes on. (Be aware that you may be watching competition,
which is something I don’t cover in this book. If you’re
interested in getting started in competition, check out the agility
books in the reference list at the back of this book.)
Unless you’re planning on participating, don’t bring your dog
just yet.Watch the dogs as they go through the course. Notice the
teamwork between the handler and her dog. Both members of this
partnership have a special bond of trust in each other.

“My dog can’t do that!” you might say. “Look at all the work
that went into training!”Yes, while training is part of agility, it’s not
as hard as you think nor is it harsh or rigorous.The agility training in
this book uses only positive methods that are fun for you and your
So let’s look at possible reasons why you might think agility isn’t
right for you:
• My dog is a mixed breed. Fact: Mixed breeds do very well in agility
and all sanctioning organizations allow mixed breeds in competition,
except AKC.
• I’ve never trained my dog to do anything before. Fact: It’s never too late
to train a dog to do fun things.
• My dog could never do that. Fact: Unless your dog is older than eight years old, has hip dysplasia, or is incapacitated in some way, he can do agility. Don’t limit your dog by your preconceived notions. Even dogs older than eight can do agility in a limited fashion if they are in good health.
• My dog is too small (or too large) for agility. Fact:Toy breeds and giant
breeds all compete in agility. I’ve seen Chihuahuas, Great Danes,
and Basset Hounds do agility successfully.
• I don’t have time to do anything with my dog. Fact:Why do you have
a dog in the first place? A dog is a commitment and a companion,
not an animal to be relegated to the backyard. If you have a dog,
part of that commitment is to exercise her.
• Agility equipment costs too much. Fact:You can put together some
agility equipment with just basic hand tools, and you can purchase
some very inexpensive pieces as well. Agility clubs and training
centers often have drop-in classes that allow your dog to train on
equipment for a few bucks.
• I don’t know where I could go to learn agility. Fact:There are agility
trainers, classes, and clubs throughout the United States including
Alaska, Montana, and Hawaii. Internationally, there are clubs in
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Columbia,
Croatia, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland,
Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal,
Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, and more
appear every day. If there isn’t a club nearby, you can always get
information, equipment, and support on the Internet.
• I have a disability. Fact: Many people with disabilities have trained
and competed in agility. Since you’re considering agility for fun and
not for competition, this is a great way to interact with your dog.
• I’m out of shape (or overweight, or older, or can’t run a lot). Fact:While
competitive teams may run around, agility is something you can
do at your own pace and at your leisure. Some people who can’t
run much have taught their dogs to run the course without them
by directing the dog toward the obstacles.
There are some legitimate reasons for not trying agility. These
• Your dog is too old and feeble or has an injury or medical condition
that precludes him from doing agility without getting injured
or harming his health.
• Your dog is aggressive toward people or other dogs.Work out the
behavioral problems with an animal behaviorist before exposing
your pet to others.
• Your dog is too young.Wait until your puppy is about six months
old before starting agility. Then jump him only at heights below
his hock and take extra precautions so he doesn’t risk injury
before he’s fully grown.


Choose may not be easy for some people, it takes time and maturity needed to think. Do not let its intention to maintain the animal, but it brings new problems, such as the emergence of the disease. Here are tips on choosing a puppy animals:

  •  Choose a dog who is under 8 weeks, at this age, usually dogs can already be independent and not risky to death at a young age. although already looks great but you can still do a lot in training for dogs. 
  • Check the front of the puppy, whether wet or dry nose? 
  • What is the state of the gums and teeth are normal? Does the puppy's eyes clear? Is there a pile of dirt in the ears of a puppy you choose? 
  • Then check the body, if his stomach is not swollen or look normal? This symptom usually shows irregular food handling in the dog by the dog's previous owner or seller. 
  • Inspect the genitals, his testicles should be clearly visible, there is no infection or dirty. It is trivial to prevent puppy has diarrhea or intestinal worms. 
  • Check the state of dog hair, are tangled and too dry? Is propagated a lot of fleas and parasites? 
  • See the legs, his muscles are functioning properly? 
  • Study the pedigree dog to the dog's previous owner or seller, both offspring (race) or about medical history, whether in the vaccination or not. 
  • It is very important to keep the dog's health plan in order not to disease-infected dogs. If you have difficulty, it is highly recommended consult with the nearest vet. 

Here are some tips to train your dog to defecate in the space provided:

  • Provide training as early as possible 
  • Bring your dog to defecate on the spot in accordance with the schedule. 
  • Until the age of 7-8 weeks, the dog has not been able to do this exercise correctly, usually dogs only do a few days just to throw dirt on the place that you provide in accordance with the schedule. 
  • In the first 7-10 weeks, banish your dog at every meal to finished dogs defecate, get used to this every day to become routine. 
  • Take your dog out of the house every morning 2-3 hours every day, then after a nap or after eating and drinking. 
  • Provide also a place to defecate in the yard outside your home, and not to be removable so that the habit is not confuse your dog. 
  • At the time of exercise, after you dispose of dog feces is in place, then you must be patient and silent without making any movement, so your dog will get bored and will remember your goals took him to the place, then after doing defecate touch praise him with a pat or stroke him. 
  • Immediately take him out when I saw your dog around in circles like digging the soil. 
  • Do not yell or punish him if the training results have not shown results, be patient until the dog understands your intent.