Tuesday, July 19, 2011

how to repel fleas

Before we "at war" to eradicate fleas, should note further that the dog like ticks on a damp, dirty, water, grass and bark.

Fleas attack a dog will not indiscriminately, whether ordinary dog, or dog races, dog fur or feathers short term.

I for 3 years as a businessman seriously chow chow breed dog pups, both derived from his own breeding or buying from other breeders throughout Indonesia. Not infrequently the pups from the class, lice have fun and dance with the wishes of life by sucking the blood on the body anjing.kecil.

What I do is to first clean the cage or bed of the dog cage that will occupy it.

Because the place was dirty and not kept clean, even if the dog flea-free, would be infected fleas quickly.

How do I clean the cage?

I used to use Rinso powder, then brushed to clean the cage and should be very clean, then rinsed thoroughly and must be completely dry. If moss is usually brushed and cleaned by using a new porstex then brush again using Rinso powder. And most importantly should be drained and if it is possible to drying to dry.

What about the dog's body that has been dominated by ticks? Is MANDI ROUTINE

Dogs in good health I would bathe with warm water, because warm water will remove dirt dirt at the base of the skin is dirty, if necessary use the brush bristles are very smooth so that no fur loss and skin sores. While flea bath will be obvious that hiding behind the dog's fur and immediately taken alone but should not be killed with a push or until the bleeding, with blood on fleas, flea eggs so many stores and when washed, will live again and hide dilubang gutters, and will run back into the cage and the perch body dog, the dog sleeping at the time.

If fleas are too many dogs, can be done also by means of the treatment are: injection / injection is carried out by the vet, or can be done alone by using IVOMEX-2ml of 0.5 ml depending on the dog and the severity of the attack ticks.

Ivomex, in addition to the outside menbantu fleas, ticks also are living in dog blood. Besides it can also treat skin diseases caused by fleas.

Most importantly, for handling this, the dog was in good health should be diligent to be bathed with warm water, because if you clean leather dog, fleas are usually unwilling to live in the dog.

I am a businessman chow chow puppy in particular, rarely and almost never deal with lice, because the previous place I can freely say every dog ​​ticks and that will go to my place, would be my selection with a rigorous, well fleas, health, and should bathed in advance.

For regular maintenance by using using lice medicine, almost never because I always chow chow bath routine 2 times a week, unless other problems, I just use the flea drops.

All I do anymore, if revoke a flea on a dog's body, I usually give 1 drop of eucalyptus oil on the tick bite, so it does not happen mild irritation.

Thus do I eradicate the infestation is very effective to apply to pet dogs. But all this is purely my version, and everyone certainly has their own way to eradicate ticks on pets.

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