Sunday, July 17, 2011

why dogs like in practice?

why dogs like in practice?
Just as with humans, dogs are creatures who socialize the dog is always assumed that humans are part of social life.

Do not be surprised if they really like to live together with humans and treats people as his master.
What often happens in our lives is that we are not aware of having abandoned the ultimate desire is to socialize with humans and when we're bringing our dog to the house and generally kmasih infancy and childhood we often hold her attention so extraordinary but when growing up naughty instincts begin to emerge , slowly slowly we started to try to educate and often in a paste with a penalty.
Day after day later we as owners begin to feel upset and angry for all the naughtiness, and we begin to punish him uncontrollably and more severe is the punishment that we give is not to make the dog become a deterrent but it is increasingly becoming so.
And in the end we mencapakkannya into the cage nor do we sell to others for their misbehavior has on him.
Basically all the mischief that causes the young dog is very reasonable as kids, we need to teach manners to our pet dog and directing naughtiness in a positive direction by getting to play or train.
So when he was growing up all the behaviors that we did not expect we can avoid and eventually your dog will grow up well without having any trauma to his past.

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